1. Introduction
This policy is based on these values of our vision and mission statement:
A College of Faith and Family
Respect for all cultures
A multicultural Christian community
Developing Gospel values
Education growth is our responsibility
A quality Academic and Catholic program
Students who strive for excellence and have the courage to act.
2. Who will implement this policy?
The Officers responsible for implementing the College Enrollment Policy are:
The Enrollment Officer
The Principals of the two schools
The Executive Director
3. Policy
3.1 Class sizes will be:
Pre School 72
Prep – Grade 6 38
Grades 7 - 10 36
Grades 11 - 12 34
Only the Executive Director, in consultation with the responsible Principal, can exceed these Class sizes, for some compelling reason.
3.2 Processes for enrolling students:
Parents or guardians will complete an Application for Enrollment form.
(i) If there are vacancies in the Grade for which an application is made, the Principal will call the parents / guardians and the enrolling student for an interview.
(ii) If there is lack of evidence of academic or other qualifications on the part of the student, the Principal may ask the enrolling student to sit the appropriate entrance tests to measure academic achievement.
(iii) A decision about enrolment will be made by the Principal and Executive Director on the basis of the interview and any entrance test results. Enrolment may be provisional.
3.2.2 If there are no vacancies in the Grade for which an application is made, the application will join the waiting pool. The parents / guardians will be told the size of the waiting pool for that Grade.
(i) The College offers no guarantee of a future place for any child placed in the pool.
(ii) The Principal, in consultation with the Executive Director will decide which application from the pool will replace any subsequent vacancy in any Grade. Their decision is not subject to appeal.
(iii) In deciding which applicant from the pool will replace a subsequent vacancy, the Principal and the Executive Director will base their decisions on the values of the vision and mission statement:
As a College of Faith and Family, priority may be given to Catholic applications and to families who already have other children in the College.
As a College that respects all cultures and a multicultural Christian community, no bias against any national or international cultural group will be used in making decisions.
Evidence of “striving for excellence” and quality academic achievement may be used in making decisions.
3.3 Notification of enrolment will be made by the Principal, in a letter, to the parents / guardians immediately a decision has been made. This letter will state any terms and conditions for provisional enrolment and will include the enrolment acceptance form for all parents to sign.
Mr. Gregg Soweni
Board Chairman