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St Joseph’s International Catholic College is one of the oldest schools in Papua New Guinea being first established in 1917. From its earliest beginnings, ‘Joeys’, as it is affectionately known, has developed as an exemplary school with consistent and outstanding academic performance offering a range of diverse educational programs.


St Joseph’s International Catholic College is a unique comprehensive, co-educational school from Pre-school to Grade 12 and offers Papua New Guinea and NSW, Australia, curriculums. St. Joseph’s has a commitment to excellence and continues to build on its strong foundations. St Joseph’s has modern and new world class facilities and is one of the most technologically resourced schools in PNG. The school has a well-developed intranet and internet facility where students engage in learning and teaching in a global context.


St Joseph’s is a school of Faith and Family with a balanced curriculum that strives for excellence in academic and personal development. The school works in partnership with parents recognising them as the primary and principal educators of their children. It is this significant partnership that has realised the outstanding resources provided at St Joseph’s for students and staff.


You can expect to see at St Joseph’s


  • Students educated in the faith and traditions of the Catholic Church

  • Happy students and staff with a love of learning and teaching

  • An environment that is caring and peaceful

  • Staff who are committed and caring

  • Effective Religious Education programs with prayer and liturgical celebrations

  • Attention to students with special needs

  • Students who question 'why?’ and ‘how

  • Innovation Quality teaching

  • A technology rich environment Constant evaluation

  • Strong parent support



Grade 7 and 8 Curriculum


The ‘Joey’s Curriculum’ which is a blend of PNG and NSW, Australia, curriculums in the junior high school has been designed to extend the Grade 7 and 8 to provide students with the best opportunity for high school study and/or work after Grade 10.

Students in Grades 7 and 8 are enrolled to do the PNG Certificate of Basic Education.


Grade 7 and 8 courses of study are offered in the following subjects


Religious Education




Social Science

Indonesia Language - Bahasa

Information Communication Technology

Technology and Applied Science

Physical Education


Visual Arts



Grade 9 and 10 Curriculum


In Grades 9 and 10, the curriculum structure that enables students to complete the PNG Lower Secondary School Certificate (LSSC) and/or NSW Stage 5 and provides them with the best options for senior high school and/or work opportunities.

Students having successfully completed the NSW STage 5 will have gained an international credential. Students who are awarded a PNG LSSC or NSW Stage 5 can enroll in either the PNG Higher Secondary School Certificate or NSW Higher School Certificate in the following year.

As in all Grades, students in Grades 9 and 10 are offered sound pastoral care support in the context of the faith and spiritual development of each person.


PNG Lower Secondary School Certificate (LSSC) courses of study are offered in the following subjects:


Religious Education




Social Science

Business Studies

Information Communication Technology

Home Economics

Physical Education


NSW Stage 5 courses of study are offered in the following subjects:


Religious Education






Information Software Technology

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education



Grade 11 and 12 Curriculum


St Joseph’s has designed a senior high school curriculum structure that will enable students to complete the PNG Upper Secondary School Certificate (USSC)or NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) to provide them with the best options for post-school tertiary and/or work opportunities, both nationally and internationally.

Students have the option of choosing to do the PNG USSC and/or the NSW HSC. All foreign students are encouraged enrolled in the NSW Higher School Certificate.

The NSW Higher School Certificate is an international credential. Students undertake the Preliminary HSC in the first three terms of Grade 11, and in Term 4 of that year commence their HSC study which concludes at the end of Term 3 the following year.



PNG USSC Courses of study are offered in the following subjects:


Language and Literature

Advance Mathematics

General Mathematics






Business Studies


Information Communication Technology


NSW HSC Courses of study are offered in the following subjects:


English Standard (2 Units)

Mathematics Advanced (2 Units)

Mathematics Standard (2 Units)

Physics (2 Units)

Chemistry (2 Units)

Biology (2 Units)

Economics (2 Unit)

Business Studies (2 Unit)

Geography (2 Unit)

Modern History (2 Unit)

Information Processes and Technology (2 Unit) (Computing)


NSW HSC students must do a minimum of 12 Units in Preliminary HSC in Grade 11, and in Grade 12 (I-ISC course) do 10 Units to qualify for a NSW HSC.


In each year, subjects offered in both HSC courses are dependent on student enrolments and subject choices.


ALL senior students will undertake a Catholic Christian Living Program in both Grades 11 and 12 as a school based course.


Students having successfully completed the PNG USSC and/ or NSW HSC at a particular academic level will be given entry/accepted to the


University of PNG, the University of Technology in Lae, Divine Word University, the University of Goroka, Pacific Adventist University and any other Tertiary Institutions in PNG.


Entry to an overseas University is made easier with the international credential of the NSW Higher School Certificate. Students who attain a required Australian Tertiary Admission Rank number will have the opportunities to gain entry to an Australian Universities in the course of their choice.


ANY student can enroll in the NSW Higher School Certificate. There is no requirement to have done the NSW Record of School Achievement.


Students need either the PNG LSSC or NSW STage 5.


If you would like more information about educating your son or daughter at St Joseph’s International Catholic College, a comprehensive, co-educational Pre-school to Grade 12 school, please contact us for more information, enrolment form or an appointment.


2022 Results Information


Papua New Guinea Curriculum 


Grade 10 and 12 PNG Results


Grade 10 and 12 PNG curriculum results and certificates shall be available in the second week of December. 



Grade 8 PNG Results

Grade 8 PNG curriculum results shall be available in the second week of December. The certificates will be available in February 2023. 

For more information, students and parents are advised to call the school reception on 3253733.

New South Wales Curriculum 

Grades 10, 11 and 12 NSW curriculum students can access their results online through Students Online account. 
For assistance, students are advised to see Mrs. Tuguinay, Deputy Principal Curriculum.


Grade 10 NSW Results
Year 10 students can access their results via Students Online on Thursday, 1st December 2022.


Grade 11 NSW Results
Year 11 students can access their results via Students Online on Tuesday, 15th November 2022.


Grade 12 NSW Results
Year 12 students can access their results via Students Online on Thursday, 15th December 2022. Students can also download and print their full credentials from Students Online in December. Hard copies of the testamur (certificate) are sent in the mail in January, 2023.


Students are advised to communicate with Students Records, NESA directly for HSC results related queries and assistance. 

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