St Joseph’s International Catholic College
2023 Primary School Curriculum
Our Pre-school curriculum is guided by the Early Learning Foundation Year Framework. It provides broad direction for the pre-school teachers to facilitate children’s learning. We plan, teach, assess and report on the Early Learning Foundation Early Years Curriculum in our Pre-School.
The Pre-School curriculum subjects include: Religious Education, Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Health, Physical Education, Arts (Dance, Drama, Craft) using an integrated teaching approach in the delivery of the curriculum. Parents are well informed on a weekly basis of what their children learn at school.
Daily communication happens between teachers and parents via diaries, emails and telephones to keep abreast of their children’s educational developments.
Early learning records are used to assess and report on these areas. Formal written reports are distributed at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
Prep to Grade 6 Learning Areas
We follow the Australian Curriculum F-6 incorporating the PNG Primary School Curriculum. We plan, teach, assess and report on the adapted Australian Curriculum F-6, embedding PNG Primary School curriculum, and our Catholic Faith Syllabus for Religious Education for all Prep to Grade 6 classes.
The curriculum provides the content and a set of year level achievement standards outlining the expected knowledge, understanding and skills for each learning area.
We offer eight key areas of learning in Primary School – Prep to Grade 6.
Religious Education
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) –
Health and Physical Education
Technologies – ICT, Design and Technology
The Arts – Music, Drama, Visual Arts
In each learning area or subject, content descriptions specify what young people will learn and achievement standards describe the depth of understanding and the sophistication of knowledge and skill expected of students at the end of each year level or band of years in their schooling.
Class Programs
Teaching teams work closely together to plan and deliver curriculum. Term planning; along with weekly level planning meetings enable teachers to meet the learning needs of all students. Teaching approaches, strategies and assessments are comprehensively planned to maximise student learning. Students work in class and mixed class groups, in small groups, pairs and individually.
A number of specialist teachers provide lessons in the areas of:
• Physical Education/Sports
• Information and Communication Technology
• Music
• Resource Centre – Library Primary School
Our teachers engage in a planning process every term to develop a shared understanding of the alignment between the curriculum intent, assessment, teaching and learning sequence, and reporting.
A range of resources have been developed to support the implementation of the adapted Australian Curriculum/PNG curriculum including information regarding curriculum planning and assessment, curriculum area-specific advice, and professional learning opportunities.
Inquiry Learning
Our Primary School Inquiry units are used to promote learning. This learning connects skills and knowledge from multiple experiences helping to make learning more meaningful to students. They are encouraged to be critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Assessment plays an essential role in our curriculum development. Teachers conduct regular assessment tasks to ensure that both the content and delivery of the curriculum is appropriate for individual students. Students are assessed prior to, during and at the end of units of work.
Assessment & Reporting
Teachers make ongoing assessments and document student’s progress throughout the year. Assessment may take place in the form of observations, anecdotal notes, checklists, and assessment tasks and tests. Teachers use a range of assessment tasks in order to cater for the needs and learning styles of the individual students.
There are three types of assessment –
1. Pre-assessment - Teachers determine what students already know prior to the start of a topic unit. This helps the teacher to plan the unit of work based on the needs of the students and to differentiate the curriculum as necessary.
2. Formative assessment - Teachers monitor the learning that is taking place throughout the unit and adjust the curriculum accordingly.
3. Summative assessment - Students participate in tasks to demonstrate their learning at the end of the unit of work. This may be done through tests, projects, models, drama presentations, slideshows, etc.
Parent/Teacher Led Conferences are conducted at the end of Terms 1 and 3. Formal written reports are distributed at the end of Terms 2 and 4.NAPLAN - National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)
Students in Grades 3 and 5 participate in NAPLAN (National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy) every year. NAPLAN is our international benchmark in Literacy and Numeracy. It has been an everyday part of the school calendar since 2008.
This an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, and 7. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. It is made up of tests in the four areas:
• Reading
• Writing
• Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
• Numeracy.
NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy which are developed over time through the school curriculum. These tests also help give our teachers an indication of how their students are performing in comparison to the average Australian student and point out areas a student may need to improve on.
Students throughout all Australian schools undertake these assessments every year in the second full week in May but as of 2023 NAPLAN tests will be administered in March and not May. For more information visit: