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St. Joseph’s International Catholic College works under the governance of the Archdiocese of Port Moresby. The College uses and adopts the Archdiocese Curriculum materials. Students from Pre-School to Year 12 participate in the Religious Education program.


The Religious Education Program, responding to the current or contemporary issues, plays a vital role in the Christian education of the students. It introduces the students to the basic truths of the Catholic Faith: Realizing that they are created in the image and likeness of God; Leading the students to grow in their commitment to become real followers of Jesus Christ, giving witness to their authentic freedom in their love for others; Enabling the students to realize that they belong to a community, which is alive and nourished by Christ through the Holy Spirit – the Church, the living witness of the tremendous love of God.


St. Joseph’s is a community of faith and family. We at all times encourage and support faith development and are faithful to the Catholic Church teachings and traditions.


In our faith education, we hope to teach each student to see and understand the wonder and compassion of God. As well as imparting faith knowledge, we have a strong focus on guiding students to live the school motto “Courage to Act”. Prayer, liturgy, and meditation are part of our school life. Each class is given the opportunity to facilitate a class Mass. Students are also encouraged to be involved especially in the Choir. Parents are welcome to attend major College liturgies, which are advertised in both College Calendar and Newsletter.




Fr Paul Jennings - The College Executive Director officiates the Mass



St Joseph’s International Catholic College students who are baptized as Catholics are invited to complete the next steps in their faith journey. The College provides the opportunities for students to prepare for and receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation within the Catholic community of prayer and worship.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is first received in third grade.  The First Holy Communion is ordinarily received in the fourth grade.  The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in the sixth grade.  However, those in the higher grades who missed the above sacraments may avail of the sacraments or are all welcome by filling in the application form for the sacrament which can be obtained from the Religious Education Office. Special sacramental lessons will be conducted according to the availability of the Religious Education teacher and parents will be advised of the schedule.
Parent information sessions are conducted and parents are required to attend the meeting and are informed of the important dates of meetings through the College Newsletters and the student diary.

Sacrament of Confirmation


The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthened the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Grade 6 students.

First Holy Communion


The First Holy Communion was received by the Grade 4 students.

First Reconciliation


The Grade 3 students were invited into the peaceful presence of God and His forgiving love through the First Reconciliation.

Graduation Mass


The graduating class was sent off with the blessing prayers of the Celebrant of the Mass, the parents, and the teachers during the Graduation Mass.

Liturgical Celebrations


Students in Preschool – Grade 12 worship God through planned liturgies on Holy Days, Feast Day of our College Patron Saint and other special occasions throughout the school year.  Parents are invited to join the students in these Eucharistic celebrations.

Opening of the school year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit

Ash Wednesday Mass

St. Joseph’s Day Mass

Pre-Independence Day Mass

Thanksgiving Day Mass

Graduation Day Mass


The graduating class was sent off with the blessing prayers of the Celebrant of the Mass, the parents, and the teachers during the Graduation Mass.


Class Masses




If you are visiting the school, take the time to quietly walk into our College of Faith and Family Chapel. It is situated in the Joseph’s Classrooms building, ground floor, between the Prep classrooms. It is where you can meet Jesus in quiet time and reflection.

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